第26章 是强圉吖

  等到开车到医院的时候,护士大声的说道:“Immediately to the operating room, the patient to treat is face blindness, then with a slight concussion, go to the professor Allen called! Do the operation in person! Hurry up,(马上送到手术室,病人要治疗的是脸盲症,便随着轻微脑震荡,去吧艾伦教授叫过来!亲自做这台手术!快点!)”护士焦急地说道。

  “But the professor doesn't know where to go? Do you need to find it? It seems that professor hasn't come today!(可是教授不知道去哪里了?需要去找么?好像教授今天没有来!)”旁边的一个小护士说道。

  苏可可听到这话,看遍这王俊凯煞白的皮肤说:“Please find another doctor. Would you hurry up a little?(请找别的医生吧!快一点好么?)”苏可可感觉自己马上就要哭了,原来喜欢上一个人,会看待他的生命像是看待自己的生命一样啊?原来,这种的滋味并不好受啊?


  护士长想了想说:“Please push him into the operating room first and then call professor Mary!(请先把他推进手术室,然后去把麦瑞教授叫过来!)”护士长几乎冷静地说道,毕竟现在也只能这样子做了,很快,就有人把王俊凯推进了手术室,六人一起跟了进去,苏可可再去的路上差点要摔倒了。

  “Professor Mary is coming!(麦瑞教授来了!)”一个小护士慌慌张张的说道,一口流利的美式英语说了出来。

  “Go, the operating room, the patient is face blindness, but b......


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